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How to Naturally Cure Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

 If you’re weary of high dentist bills — as well as exposure to X-rays, fluoride, and toxic fillings — a natural and straightforward approach to dental health comes as a welcome relief. 

Considering that amalgam fillings are one of the top sources of heavy metal exposure today, with supposedly “safer” plastic options leaching a slew of noxious compounds like BPA, it’s no wonder that people are fed up with the conventional “drill and fill” approach. As luck would have it, it’s actually quite easy to sport a healthy smile with a few natural remedies under your belt. Fortifying from the inside out, and using time-tested techniques, you too can enjoy trouble-free dental health for a fraction of the cost of traditional dentistry.

Natural methods for a beautiful smile

Oil pulling

A staple healing practice in Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is one of the best ways to encourage a bright smile and happy gums. Simply swish one tablespoon of oil (sesame or coconut) around the mouth and through the teeth for up to 20 minutes. Discard the oil (never swallow) and immediately rinse the mouth with warm water. Lastly, brush your teeth as normal. Proponents of the method swear by the health benefits — from a reduction in headaches and seasonal illness to a decrease in tooth caries and gingivitis.

The Most Natural 60 sec ritual to Stop Gum and Decay Problem-Click Here to see How

Remineralizing toothpaste

Another tooth- and gum-friendly habit is found by brushing with a mineral-rich toothpaste. Using antifungal coconut oil, pH-balancing baking soda, bacteria-blasting essential oils, and tooth-fortifying trace minerals, this DIY toothpaste also avoids the use of harmful chemicals like fluoride and artificial ingredients.

Sprout and ferment

According to numerous studies — and the work of Weston A. Price — phytic acid (found in beans, grains, nuts, and seeds) can be problematic for tooth enamel. This troublesome compound not only blocks absorption but also leeches minerals from the teeth, bones, and body. To circumvent the issue, soaking, sprouting, and fermenting assists in partially deactivating phytic acid. 

Have a look at this handy sprouting guide. It will cover everything you ever wanted to know about how to sprout. For those who would like to try their hand with traditional fermented bread,  Cultures for Health offers a comprehensive sourdough tutorial.

The Most Natural 60 sec ritual to Stop Gum and Decay Problem-Click Here to see How


Don’t overlook the power of food to keep teeth and gums strong. A diet rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, as well as minerals like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, will lay a foundation for robust dental health. Focus on dark leafy greens, pastured organic meats and eggs, raw and grass-fed dairy, fermented cod liver oil, and fatty fish like sardines and salmon. Avoid sugary, carbohydrate-laden foods that encourage bacterial growth, tooth decay, and gum disease. Good alternatives to harmful sweeteners include stevia extract and xylitol — the latter is known as a potent defense against tooth-destroying oral bacteria.

Essential oils

To keep gums healthy and disease-free, essential oils of tea tree, clove, and manuka are hard to beat. Exceptionally effective against bacteria and fungus found within the mouth, these oils help disinfect tooth surfaces and the gum line while freshening the breath. Simply add a drop to your toothpaste and brush as usual. 

Although not considered an essential oil, many have had success in tightening loose teeth and reducing gum disease with emu oil. A drop or two applied with your toothbrush (twice per day) is recommended.

If you must visit a dentist for a pressing problem, new laser technology has been developed that actually regrows tooth enamel, thereby completely bypassing the need for fillings. Read more about the technique here.

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