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7 Benefits of The Keto Diet

When you hear about the ketogenic diet, the first thing you perhaps think of is what could possibly make it as good as people say. The answer is, there are enough benefits to change your life.

What exactly is a ketogenic diet?

The keto program recommends a diet that is low in carbs, moderate in protein and high in fat. The idea is to fine-tune nutritional intake in order to send the body into the metabolic state known as ketosis.

The body enters a state of ketosis when it no longer has stores of glycogen sugar to fuel its energy needs. With sugar out of the way, the body has no choice but to tap its stores of fat to get by. The liver converts fat reserves into ketones to present to the body as an energy source. This is why the keto program is a good way to lose fat.

Custom Keto Diet

Unlike other diets that offer practitioners a weight loss benefit and little else, the keto diet comes with several benefits.

Weight loss

Without a doubt, weight loss is the primary goal of the keto diet. It works because it makes the body look to its fat reserves to power its metabolism. It can be interesting to go deeper into the process, however.

When the body is deprived of carbs, it enters a state of ketosis. Blood sugar and insulin levels fall when that happens. As the body taps the energy in fat cells, they release considerable quantities of water, making for some great weight loss. 

The fat cells are then able to enter the bloodstream and make their way to the liver, where they are turned into ketones for energy processing. As long as your diet allows you to stay in a caloric deficit, you get to enjoy the weight loss benefits of the keto diet.

It takes the edge off your appetite

When your diet isn't heavy on carbs, you'll find that you don't crave as much food as before. Many people who get on the keto diet are able to fast most of the day, and only eat at mealtimes. They are simply not as hungry as before.

Improved ability to focus

When you choose a regular diet that puts carbs into the body, your brain has to deal with the rise and fall in sugar levels that happens as a result. Inconsistent energy levels can make it hard for the brain to focus. With the keto diet, however, the energy source is constant and consistent. The brain is better able to stay focused.

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You feel more energetic

When you are on a regular diet, your body is always on the verge of running out of energy. You need to constantly eat and refuel. With a keto diet, however, the body taps its fat reserves, a nearly unending energy source. The body, then, is able to maintain constant energy levels throughout the day. The result is, you end up feeling a lot more energetic.

It helps you fight diabetes

When you suffer from Type II diabetes, your body experiences high levels of insulin. Since the keto diet takes excess sugar from your diet, it helps stabilize HbA1c counts and reverse Type II diabetes.

You get improved levels of good cholesterol

HDL cholesterol helps get rid of the body's bad cholesterol reserves. When you're on keto, your body's triglyceride levels fall and your HDL cholesterol levels rise.

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You get better blood pressure

When you're on the keto diet, it drops your blood pressure. Many people on the keto diet find that they are able to stop taking blood pressure medicine altogether.

The keto diet can change a person's life. It isn't a difficult diet to get on, either. There are plenty of great recipes for the keto diet. All it takes is the willingness to give it a shot.

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What the Actual Plan is

Our custom meal plan service was designed to help men and women all over the world turn their lives around and take charge of their health and figure.

The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.
We use scientific research and proven studies to create personalized ketogenic diet plans that maximize fat burning via the correct calories and macronutrients for each individual.
The customer's keto diet plan is available to access immediately after payment.

Here’s what they will get:

  1. An eight-week meal plan created based on the expertise of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.
  2. Meals that have calorie and macronutrient content tailored to their specific situation and goals.
  3. A nutrition plan with food variety to ensure they will get a wide range of nutrients and boost the likelihood of sticking to their diet.
  4. Meals that are based on personal food preferences to make their diet enjoyable and help them stay on track with their plan.
  5. Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).
  6. A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient they will need in the upcoming seven days.
  7. Options on how they can customize every meal even more to suit your taste buds.
We’ll show them what to eat every day to reach their goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way.
Put here your details and we will give you the best program of the keto diet 


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